Outreach activities & events

2024: 2023: 2019: 2017:

Media - Interviews

  • April 15, 2022: Lëtzebuerger Mathematikerin bei der Weltraumagence ESA, RTL interview.
  • April 14, 2022: Spotlight on Young Researchers: Nature’s shapes as mathematical challenges, Outreach article.
  • March 11, 2022: An aspiring career in Space, FSTM Newsletter article.
  • February 4, 2017: D'Robotere spille Football, RTL interview.
  • Mathematical Careers Day

    Mathematicians are among the most sought-after professionals in Luxembourg. But what kind of jobs do mathematicians really do? In order to show to our students the large possibilities of a mathematical career, Prof. Gabor Wiese, Luca Notarnicola and myself, we created the Mathematical Careers Day. I was co-organizer of the two first editions and created the first draft of the Mathematical Careers Brochure.

    Luxembourg United

    Luxembourg United is a football robot team founded in 2016 by Patrice Caire. In 2017, I joined the team and helped them to "train" the robots to play soccer. Our goal at the time was to participate in the RopoCup 2017 robot soccer competition in Japan.