All my teaching and supervisions (complete list)
- Bachelor courses: 12
- Master courses: 10
- Supervised theses: 11
- Supervisied projects and seminars: 22
2025 - Universität Paderborn:
- Proseminar "p-adische Zahlen" (lecturer, summer semester, Bachelor Mathematik - Lehramtsstudium der Mathematik für Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen).
- Master thesis (in collaboration with University of Luxembourg, co-supervision with Jean-Marc Schlenker): Beating Newton, student: Lejla Saitovic
- Master thesis (in collaboration with University of Luxembourg, co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Magical bodies, student: Sara Alexandra Da Silva Carregueira
- EML project (in collaboration with University of Luxembourg, co-supervision with Anne Fisch): Colorful fractional Gaussian integers, students: tbd
2024 - Universität Paderborn:
- Mathematik am Computer (lecturer, winter semester, Bachelor Mathematik - Lehramtsstudium der Mathematik für Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen).
2024 - University of Luxembourg:
- Analysis 2 and applications (lecturer, summer semester, BPHYS).
- Numerical solution of partial differential equations and applications (lecturer, summer semester, MMATH).
- Master thesis with internship (in collaboration with IEE s.a.), student: Gilbert John MOFFATT (summer semester, MMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Visualising systems of linear equations, students: Amelia GONZÁLEZ SAURA, Sevan CHRETIEN, and Ian BECK (summer semester, BMATH).
- Student seminar, Fast Fourier transform and polynomial multiplication, student: Ifeoluwapo Favour EDUN (summer semester, MMATH).
2023 - University of Luxembourg:
- Functional Analysis (assistant, winter semester, MMATH).
- Refresher Course in Analysis (lecturer, winter semester, MMATH & doctoral school in science).
- Student group project in Partial Differential Equations, students: Audrey Armel CHAWOUA NGAPEYA, Alex LAWOU MELI, Léa Mia MICARD (winter semester, MMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Visualising roots of algebraic numbers II, students: Catia ALVES PIRES, Claudia MARICHAL (winter semester, BMATH).
- EML project: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of our university with Fourier series, students: Charles CHATTOU, Gil SCHROEDER (winter semester, BMATH).
- Partial differential equations 2 (lecturer, summer semester, MMATH).
- Analyse numérique (assistant, summer semester, BMATH).
- Summer internship project with IEE s.a., student: Gilbert John MOFFATT (summer semester, MMATH).
- Student project and seminar in Astronomy-driven directional statistics, student: Lagloire TSOKEZO TUGNOUA (summer semester, MMATH).
- Bachelor student seminar: Counting the craters on Mars thanks to directional statistics, student: Lucas Michael DE GRAVE (summer semester, BMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Visualising roots of algebraic numbers I, students: Salma BELMIR, Mikala EISEN, Melissa GENOUD (summer semester, BMATH).
- Master thesis: Quand les mathématiques nous guident dansl'exploration de l'univers, student: Kim DA CRUZ (summer semester, MMATH - Education).
- Master thesis: Explorer notre Univers à travers les mathématiques, student: Dylan MOTA (summer semester, MMATH - Education).
2022 - University of Luxembourg:
- Preparation courses for MathCamp (lecturer, summer, BMATH).
- Bachelor thesis (co-supervision with Christophe Ley): Volleyball meets statistics, student: Lara SUYS (summer semester, BMATH).
2021 - University of Luxembourg:
- Bachelor thesis and EML project (co-supervision with Lara Daw): Lët'z box-counting!, student: Kim DA CRUZ (summer semester, BMATH).
- EML project: Behind the secrets of Hadamard matrices and their applications, students: Léa Mia MICARD, Eva RAGAZZINI, Lara SUYS (summer semester, BMATH).
2020 - University of Luxembourg:
- Analysis 3 (assistant, winter semester, BMATH).
- Partial differential equations 1 (assistant, winter semester,MMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese):Solving polynomial equations, students: Kim DA CRUZ, Dylan MOTA, Clara POPESCU (winter semester, BMATH).
- Master student project (co-supervision with Martin Olbrich): The Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem, student: Fabio Marcelo CARVALHO DOS SANTOS (winter semester, BMATH).
- Partial differential equations 2 (assistant, summer semester, MMATH).
- Real and complex analysis (assistant, summer semester, BMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Magic objects of squares in modular arithmetic, students: Sabrina CUNHA, Anne FISCH, Yannick VERBEELEN (summer semester, BMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Magic objects over the integers, students: Arjanita DINGU, Clara DUCHOSSOIS (summer semester, BMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Knights (and queens), students: Léa Mia MICARD, Eva RAGAZZINI, Lara SUYS (summer semester, BMATH).
- Bachelor thesis (co-supervision with Martin Olbrich): The secrets of the Fourier series, student: Mejrema AGANOVIC (summer semester, BMATH).
- Bachelor student seminar: An infinite series of suprises, student: Kim DA CRUZ (summer semester, BMATH).
2019 - University of Luxembourg:
- Partial differential equations 1 (assistant, winter semester, MMATH).
- Analysis 3 (assistant, winter semester, BMATH).
- EML project (co-supervision with Gabor Wiese): Magic squares of squares, students: Selma JUSOFOVIC, Manal KAAOUANE, Mirza MUHAREMOVIC, Gil MOES (winter semester, BMATH).
- Nombres complexes (lecturer, BMATH, summer, Math Prepcamp).
- Partial differential equations 2 (assistant, summer semester, MMATH).
- Real and complex analysis (assistant, summer semester, BMATH).
- Bachelor thesis (co-supervision with Martin Olbrich): The Weierstrass Theorem and its sister the Mittag-Leffler Theorem, student: Fabio Marcelo CARVALHO DOS SANTOS (summer semester, BMATH).
- Bachelor thesis (co-supervision with Martin Olbrich): Fourier inversion and the Paley-Wiener Theorem, student: Sabrina AKNIOU (summer semester, BMATH).
- Bachelor student project (co-supervision with Martin Olbrich): Lewy's example, student: Fabio Marcelo CARVALHO DOS SANTOS (summer semester, BMATH)
- MATh.en.JEANS with Martine Deprez (Lycée Hubert Clement): The math behind Pannini's football stickers (high-school).
2018 - University of Luxembourg:
- Partial differential equations 1 (assistant, winter semester, MMATH).
- Analysis 3 (assistant, winter semester, BMATH).
- Partial differential equations 2 (assistant, summer semester, MMATH).
- Real and complex analysis (assistant, summer semester, BMATH).
- EML project: Monte Carlo simulation, students: Philippe KARST, Bruni CARVALHO, Arno GEIMER (summer semester, BMATH).